So your man has finally proposed to you and you have decided to take the big step. Congratulations! You’ve hit one of the greatest milestones in life. You must be eager to shout it aloud to the world, isn’t it? Why not flaunt the rock on your finger over your Instagram then? Trust us; hiring the best candid photographer is all you need to do to get a drool-worthy picture of your engagement ring and spread the good news.
Gone are the days when ladies used to just call their parents, best friends and the walk around strategically by placing their left hands in precarious situations to spread the good news. Today in this digital age, there’re a few added elements to the post-proposal routine. Couples post pictures of the proposal or the rock with cute captions on social media to share the news of their happiness in the most pleasing way. But, how do you nail your engagement ring photo?
Here’re a few useful tips to help you get ready for that eyeball-grabbing post on Instagram.
5 Cool Tips To Take Beautiful Photos Of Engagement Ring For Instagramrong
1. Choose The Best Pose
First things first! Decide what kind of pose you would like for your post. You need to flaunt your rock the right way, isn’t it? Seek advice from skilled wedding photographers so that you can have some ideas to take inspiration from. Have some options ready and get clicked as many as you can so that you can choose the best one for your post.
2. Ensure Your Hands & Nails Are Well-Groomed
One of the foremost considerations to keep in mind is to get your hands and nails done. You will be flaunting your engagement on social media on social media and obviously you won’t want untidy nails or nails with chipped paint to be flaunted along.
So, it is always advisable to have your nailed filed in shape and done with a pretty colour or get a manicure session to make your post dreamy. Remember; it is your hands and nails which act as the supporting characters for that beautiful rock on your finger.
3. Consider A Drool-Worthy Backdrop
Have you thought of the background which you will be posing against? Are you going to opt for a rustic one or a colourful wall? Or will it be something more scenic like the sea, lush green or flower fields? Envision how you want your engagement photo to appear like and choose a background accordingly.
4. Bring In Your Fiancé!
Do you wish to have a photo which bespeaks the good news? Posing along with your man can be a great way to let the world know about your love for him. You can even try the cliché picture of holding hands with your partner to shout out to the world about the latest achievement of your life.
5. Think Of An Adorable Caption
Captions speak volumes about posts. So, it is a must for you to put an adorable caption along with your post to grab eyeballs. Think of something unique and choose something lovely to spread the good news.
Time to make your relationship with your fiancé Instagram official, ladies!