PIP Broadcast

Negotiating with a vendor is not a new thing. Discussing and bargaining on costs is not everyone’s cup of tea. But as it comes to hiring a wedding photographer, this is something that you must do. You never know what can be achieved unless you look for it. Negotiation should be a win-win scenario for you and the vendor.

Tips to Bag The Best Deal

Even if you’re not a pro in bargaining, you can do it to some extent. Let’s check out the points that would help you get a good pact.

1. Know the existing market – This is of utmost importance. Unless you’re aware of the market, you can’t negotiate. Knowing the market will give you the right context. It will make you think about how a fair quote looks like and what works within your budget. Shop around and collect quotes from at least 3 to 4 Wedding Photographers. Now compare the quotes. It should be an apple-to-apple comparison. Finally, you get the confidence to say politely that you love their portfolio but you can’t afford what they are asking for. Tell them that you have found another photographer who is going to offer the same quality of photography at a discounted rate. This kind of discussion would put pressure on your vendor and might influence him/her to offer you a better deal.

2. Get an itemized quote – This is where you can see the entire list of everything included in a package. Apart from showing what exactly you have to pay and what you might have to pay additionally for. Now you can decide which items you need and which you don’t. Accordingly, can cut the corner. This is a good idea to find out what extras can cost you, well in advance. Otherwise, you might be blindsided later on with hidden costs that you’re not familiar with.

3. Stick strictly to your limit – A photographer might want to negotiate until you compromise something at your end. He/she may give you an additional hour for wedding shooting only if you agree to hire a professional for your engagement photos as well. Nevertheless, if you ask for less, you are likely to get at least a bit less. But if you’re not happy with their conditions, you can always look for someone else.

4. Maintain a balance – There is nothing wrong with asking for some extras or a better deal. If your vendor wants to work with you, they will be willing to come up with better solutions. The right etiquette advice is to maintain a sweet spot between being a pushover and a self-advocate. Just make sure you don’t be aggressive, obnoxious, or unreasonable about wedding photography price in Kolkata. Remember, you are not arguing with a street vendor. You are talking to a professional about the most important event of your life. And the entire process associates a good chunk of money.

As it comes to hiring a wedding photographer, negotiation would be a good thing to get a better deal. Know the market, collect itemized quotes, and compare the same. Stick to your limitations and don’t be irrational while negotiating.

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