PIP Broadcast

Hiring a wedding photographer offering the right kind of photography package is essential for the success of wedding photography. When you search for photographers in Kolkata for a wedding, along with the experience and portfolio, make sure that you check the package they offer. What is included in the wedding photography package? It is vital to ask this question. There are different photographers out there, and they all have a varied set of things to offer.

Ask yourself first. The things you need from the photographer at your wedding will help you find the right kind of person for the job. The following points will give you a vague idea of what is included in a wedding photography package.

5 Essential Elements of Every Wedding Photography Package

1. Complete D-Day coverage

Often a wedding photographer will limit the photo coverage to 8 to 6 hours. However, hiring such a photographer will not fetch you any benefit. Check for a complete day coverage with the photographer. Ensure that the wedding photographer and the team are present in the venue from morning until the day’s end until all the rituals are over. The length and the price go hand in hand. Make sure that you check the same and fix the package accordingly.

2. Post/Pre Wedding coverage
A pre or post-wedding photo session is generally included in the package. This takes place either before or after the wedding session. Make sure that you check the same when you fix the package and include it in your module. A pre-wedding photo shoot is generally prefered because the couple gets the opportunity of interacting with the photographers and being prepared for a D-day photoshoot.

3. Online and offline albums
A wedding photography package will also include an online gallery of photos and an offline album. If the photographer denies the same, make sure you don’t hire the photographer. Getting soft copies of the photos is not enough. If you need to get them printed, there’s a high probability that you might be charged higher. Hence get the same included in the package.

4. Number of photo prints
Traditionally photographers include a specific size for the photo prints that they will share in the package. Confirm the size of the picture from the photographer while booking the package. The same is generally written in the money receipt copy as well.

5. Wedding video
Many photographers include a complete wedding video and a post or pre-wedding video. If you’re not low on budget, then get the same confirmed from the photographers and fix the package accordingly.

At PIP Broadcast & Equipment, we have a team of professional photographers committed to providing the best quality photographs of your wedding that you can cherish for a lifetime. To know more and book your dates, check our website.